As we all know, starting on the second day of Pesach, we began the counting of the Omer, aka “Sfiras HaOmer”. Each night, for forty-nine days, we make a counting, “Day One”, “Day Two”, etc… all leading up to Shavous.

Several questions arise concerning Sfiras HaOmer, such as why do we count upwards, instead of down? Why is it called “Sfiras HaOmer”? If anything, should it not be called “Sfiras HaShavous”, since we are counting towards Shavous? And finally, why is it the Torah commands us to count fifty days, and we only count forty-nine (Shavous is the fiftieth)? Rabbi Tatz of Sourh Africa gives us some insight to the concept of Sfiras HaOmer: “Sefiras HaOmer is not a simple ‘counting down’ to some big event. We count down to things such as birthdays or anniversaries, but that is because they are dates where something is commemorative. Shavous on the other hand, isn’t a simple holiday where we celebrate the giving of the Torah. It is a day where we actually receive the Torah once again. Of course, in order to properly receive the Torah, we must prepare ourselves for it. Sfiras HaOmer is such a time of preparation, and that is why we are counting upwards. When an accountant counts money, he counts, “One dollar, two dollars, three dollars…”, always building upwards. So too, Sfiras HaOmer is time for building, hence we count, “Day One, Day Two…”. Each day is adding on to the work of previous days.”

Rabbi Tatz continues and compares Sfiras HaOmer to music. Music is comprised of several notes that are strung together. These notes, when played individually, mean and sound like nothing. Yet, when they are placed with other notes in a song, these same notes take on a whole new meaning. Day One of Sfiras HaOmer is the first note. Day two, is the second. This continues for forty-nine days. Finally, we hit Shavous. When we turn around, we notice a song comprised of forty-nine different notes. So what is the note for Shavous? The answer is: it’s not a note. Shavous is a compilation of all forty-nine notes. Shavous IS the song! By slowly and meticulously building each note day by day, we finally complete an entire song on Shavous. That is why we do not count the fiftieth day! Because there is no fiftieth note! That day exists not by itself, but rather as a compilation of the previous forty-nine days! We started to build a path on the second day of Pesach when the Korban Omer was brought. For the next six and a half weeks, we are to continue to build that path. Yet, their is a difference between this path and other paths. Other paths lead towards a destination. Sfiras HaOmer creates one!

Prepared by Devorah Abenhaim


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