With much appreciation and gratitude, special thanks to:

Devorah Abenheim who as always unfailingly prepares our weekly D’Var Torah for the Shabbat Bulletin. Many thanks Devorah for your continued support, inspirational and informative writings .

Sarah Rapkin who volunteers much time and effort in the office and assumes much of the workload with efficiency and great humour.

Rabbi Sorin Rosen for the countless hours he volunteers to not only creating our brand new website but for continuing to oversee it with his creativity and expertise. Sorin took on the task of designing this High Holiday Pillar and, as you read throughout, his creative and thoughtful skill sets are self evident.

Special thanks to Hector Garcia for assuming the task of creating our Calendar , for his artistry and vision.

Jack Kadaner for once again allowing us to showcase one of his beautiful paintings for this year’s Calendar.

The Sisterhood, Mens club, Religious, Membership, Chessed and Youth committees and the many volunteers who give much of their time and efforts to the success of our shul.

The board of directors, clergy, executive, staff and friends of the Beth Zion for your dedication, care and commitment.

Judy and Harry and Fagey and Simon Rossdeutscher without whom our up and coming concert could not be a reality. Their support of our
congregation and the opportunities they afford us to raise much needed funds for our shul through the gift of music and entertainment is

The Cantorial committee under the leadership of Joe Presser and Rabbi Shoham for bringing this concert to a much anticipated level of success. Please support those who are supporting us by sharing in the evenings event. It is a wonderful opportunity to support our shul and to bring in the New Year with hope and joy. A perfect gift for the New Year!

All those who support our shul with your generous and thoughtful donations and sponsorships throughout the year.

To all our members thank you for sharing the holidays with us!

Shana Tova,
Eileen Rabinovitch

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