From the Rabbi’s Desk

From the Rabbi’s Desk

As I write these words, a ceasefire has been announced between Israel and Hamas.

I actually have mixed feelings about the ceasefire. On one hand, I want peace and security. I have five children and two grandchildren living in Israel. I also care deeply about all Israelis and constantly worry about our brave Israeli soldiers.

On the other hand, I am equally afraid that Hamas will use the ceasefire as another opportunity to stockpile more rockets to use in the future. This is what they’ve done in the past. Add to this the general turmoil and unrest in the Middle East and we all have reason to be concerned. I
celebrate peace and believe in it. In fact, the Hebrew word for peace, “Shalom,” is actually one of G-d’s many names. Over the course of this summer, while the crisis in Israel has been playing out, the word “Peace” has been on all of our lips. As we begin this High Holiday season, let us focus our prayers on Israel and its basic human right to live in peace with their neighbours.

This will be my first Rosh Hashana as the full-time Rabbi at Beth Zion Congregation. It is an honour and a privilege that I do not take lightly. We recently began a very important membership campaign. The committee chose as its slogan: “Preserving Tradition — Embracing the Future.”
These words are more than a mere slogan; they serve as a reminder of our congregation’s identity and history as we chart our path moving forward. Our religious and cultural identity is as solid as the very cornerstone that was laid almost sixty years ago. This is what preserving tradition is all about. As a Shul community, we need to look at where we are going. While remaining true to Modern Orthodoxy, we need to focus on the nature of the programs we run, the flavour of our services, the role of women in our Shul and the life cycle events. We need to meet the needs of our changing communal demographics. Embracing the future is a mandate that we do not take lightly. These are exciting times for our Shul and community.

In this issue of the Pillar there are many exciting events and programs scheduled; from traditional Torah study to “DAT – Dinner & Torah,” our Cantorial Concert, engaging guest speakers on topics from politics to medical ethics and family activities for the holidays. Beth Zion is a vibrant active synagogue. Whether you join us for the holidays, an event, a class or a lecture, Beth Zion is your synagogue and the door is always open.
On behalf of Raizie and myself I want to wish each and every one of you a Shana Tova, a Sweet and Happy & Healthy New Year.

Rabbi Boruch Perton

President’s Message

President’s Message

Fellow Congregants

As I am writing this message, I think where has the summer gone ? It seems like only yesterday we were getting through winter and welcoming back our many snowbirds. Since last writing you, we had many wonderful and memorable events that have taken place at Beth Zion.
Yasher Koach to our own Jack Leinwand who spoke so beautifully, bravely and meaningfully on Survivor Shabbat.

Holocaust Remembrance speaker Myra Giberovitch spoke informatively and her presentation was very moving.
Rabbi Emeritus Shoham was well received with his book review “OUT OF THE DEPTHS” and the evening of Judaism and Islam, was highly
enlightening and informative and enjoyed by all.

Our Yom Ha’atzmaut guest lecturer Rabbi Yehoshua Grunstein from Israel was warmlyreceived by our members and spoke brilliantly on a number of interesting topics.

Our scholar in residence for Shavuot, Dr. Lawrence Schiffman, spoke on the DEAD SEA SCROLLS and other interesting topics in front of large crowds and was greatly appreciated by all those in attendance.

And for those of you who attended the Lag b’Omer BBQ at Master Chef Rabbi Perton’s house, you were one of approximately 100 people who had a day of great food, beer and entertainment.

Our annual Scotch Tasting evening chaired by Allan Schneiderman and his committee went over the top this year. It was a most engaging event which raised much needed funds for the shul.

Our Tisha B’av guest speaker, Mr. Ted Bolgar was inspiring for all those in attendance and his accounting of life in the concentration camps was very moving.

And last, but certainly not least, will be our annual Rossdeutscher Family Cantorial Concert on September 30 featuring music from Bible to
Broadway. Don’t miss this event as it will be a most entertaining evening. Last year almost 700 people attended and danced in and out of their seats.

Special thanks to committee co‑chairs, Rabbi Emeritus Shoham and Joe Presser.

All of the above could not have been possible without our Executive Director, Eileen Rabinovitch who skillfully helped execute these programs and events. Thank you to her staff for their continued dedication and hard work, as well the countless volunteers who helped bring these programs to fruition.

Beth Zion undertook a pro-active membership drive under the guidance of Rabbi Perton. Door to door brochures have been handed out by our
member volunteers who visited almost 3000 homes in the vicinity. We are hoping to attract new life to Beth Zion by encouraging those not affiliated to see all that we have to offer.

As well, we are making seating changes in the Main Sidney Shoham Sanctuary by having all gentlemen sit in the center section, to allow ladies to sit in the side sectors of the main floor. We thank everyone who cooperated and accepted the move. The High Holidays will see limited parts of the services read in English.

All in all, you can feel a renewed buzz at Beth Zion. New programs, classes and a renewed pledge to bring back the youth to Beth Zion are in the air. We can accomplish our goals through your continued support and participation – come join us at events, programs and in particular our Cantorial Concert. It is important that all of our members take part and support our fund raising activities. Feel a part of Beth Zion and share in our wonderful activities together.

I thank my fellow Officers, Board of Directors, Rabbi Boruch Perton, Rabbi Emeritus Sidney Shoham for sharing with me the renewed vision for Beth Zion and helping to secure our future. Thank you as well to all those who worked so diligently in the
preparation for the High Holidays.

On behalf of my family, the Officers, Board of Directors, Clergy and Office Staff we wish you and yours a healthy, happy and peaceful New Year.

May this year see a renewed peace in the middle east and throughout Israel.

Shana Tova U’metukah

Ricky Steinberg, President

Proud to be Me

Proud to be Me

Never have I seen a world so distorted and out of orbit as in the present day. Tiny Israel is surrounded by Arab countries in three directions. Yet, we returned to our neighbours one beautiful area, -the Gaza Strip. Filled with all the amenities of a flourishing community, all was destroyed by the new inhabitants. Instead of growing with what was already created, the Palestinians under the direction of Hamas built tunnels, and purchased arms in order to destroy Israel and its inhabitants.

Hundreds of rockets from Gaza were flying over Israeli skies and the country was in a state of possible annihilation and utter frustration. Can a country live safely and sanely under these conditions? Is this the appreciation we receive from the Palestinians who were gifted with the prize of their life- a flowing land of economic productivity?

Another scenario… three young Israeli students are making their way home from a day of yeshiva learning and are kidnapped, murdered and left unburied behind rocks and desolation. An entire nation is in shock and disbelief! Israel has reached a state and point of no return. The tunnels are discovered, the rockets are flying and Israel has a choice to make. Do we continue to live under these impossible circumstances? The answer – absolutely not!!!

The IDF warns the inhabitants of Gaza of  coming attacks and begs them to move away from rocket installations, leaflets are dropped, phone calls are made, but Hamas refuses to let the people leave. The rocket launches are hidden in UN buildings, several mosques and in the homes of men, women, and children.

As was said by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, “The Hamas protected their weapons using women and children, and Israel protected their women and children with their weapons”. Many Gazan lives were lost; many homes were destroyed, but blame the cause – not the effect. Remember the famous law of physics “for every action there is a reaction”.

The days of awe are approaching. We have so much to pray for and be thankful for. On Tuesday evening September 30th we will be celebrating our annual cantorial concert. The cast is phenomenal! We will listen, we will sing, and we will dance. We will not celebrate Gazan lives that were lost but mourn those who have fallen. We will praise G-d for our human condition and be proud of the conduct of our IDF. Warning enemies in the midst of battle, and feeding the hungry in the midst of conflict. Unheard of, but we did it. I am proud of who I am and the nation that we were born into. On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur we pray with our heart for a year of health, peace and tranquility. On Tuesday evening we will sing with our hearts and souls and be proud of destiny. The ability to know right from wrong and to distinguish between light and darkness is the greatest gift in life…

From Jewel, myself and entire family

Shana Tova U’metukah

Rabbi Sidney Shoham



I’ve been attending the Beth Zion Synagogue on a regular basis since moving into Cote Saint Luc 23 years ago. Before moving into Cote Saint Luc, I attended Beth Zion during the High Holidays with my uncle, David Fischler, and his son, my cousin, Lloyd Fischler.

In July of 2013, my father unfortunately passed away, so I began going to Beth Zion on a daily basis to say Kaddish. It was always my intention to complete the full year of Kaddish. I decided to join the Beth Zion as a full fledged member about 4 months into my mourning period. The basis of my decision to join was the camaraderie, and the welcoming and comforting feeling I received from the members of the congregation. Many people took me under their wing and provided me with mentorship. They are always available to help me or answer any questions I might have. I felt that I was missing something in my life, and turning to the Synagogue has given me a spiritual aspect that I had not felt before. The learning that I have been doing here at the Beth Zion has become a welcome addition to my life.

The members of the Beth Zion are very respectful of one another, and they are very attentive to the needs of others, especially to the newcomers who might not have the same religious background as they do. As a young child, I did not receive a religious education, other than my Bar Mitzvah lessons. My family was more traditional than religious, so attending Beth Zion on a regular basis was a bit of a daunting task, as I was unsure of how I would be received, not knowing all the prayers and the proper order of things. But what I found to be true, is that my fears were unfounded as everyone is more than willing to teach, explain and show me the proper way. The patience that some members have shown me, and the giving of their own personal time to teach me has had a very strong effect on me.

Having been a member for such a short period of time, I have not yet joined in many activities or programs that the Beth Zion has to offer, but it is my hope and intention to become more involved in the Shul, and have my wife, Jill join me. My wife and I are married 31 years, and we have two beautiful daughters, Jessica and Lyndsey. When we moved into Cote Saint Luc, our children were quite young, and they always joined my wife and I at the Beth Zion for the High Holidays.

I would like to say a special thank you to the administrative staff, and the Clergy, especially Rabbi Yitzchok D. Rosenberg for all of his
patience and mentoring, for his wisdom and for his friendship, and to Rabbi Boruch Perton for inviting me to become a member of Beth Zion, and for his invaluable friendship. To Rabbi Sidney Shoham, thank you for making me feel like we’ve been friends forever. As well, I would like to thank Mordechai Spiro for his dedication in teaching me, and for his ongoing friendship.

Peter Dascal

Beth Zion Sisterhood

Beth Zion Sisterhood

George Gershwin wrote “Summertime and the livin’ is easy”.

Unfortunately this summer was anything but “easy” as we watched our brothers and sisters being attacked by missiles while Hamas vowed to destroy all of Israel and its people.

As this is being written, Israel and Hamas have agreed to an open-ended truce. May it last longer than the previous ceasefires. With Rosh Hashanah around the corner, we must be optimistic that the new year will bring us all peace, good health and good times.

What a better way to start the new year than with our Cantorial Concert to be held on September 30th at 7:00 pm. The theme this year is “From Bible to Broadway” with some of the finest cantors around the world performing. This evening promises to be one that will never be forgotten. Join us for an evening of entertainment and enjoyment.

Always informative and thought provoking, Rabbi Shoham and Father Walsh will be speaking on “The Power of Faith” in October.

Also, back by popular request, “The Suburban” magazine editor and founder and president of the Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal, Beryl Wajsman, will be our guest speaker at Beth Zion on October 29 on the topic of the next Canadian Federal Elections.

More information about these events and many others will be announced at a later date.

Please join us for our exciting programs.

We would like to wish everyone a very healthy, peaceful and happy new year.

L’Shana Tova.

Hindy Lieberman
Rena Rush
Sylvia Yarin

Thank you!

Thank you!

With much appreciation and gratitude, special thanks to:

Devorah Abenheim who as always unfailingly prepares our weekly D’Var Torah for the Shabbat Bulletin. Many thanks Devorah for your continued support, inspirational and informative writings .

Sarah Rapkin who volunteers much time and effort in the office and assumes much of the workload with efficiency and great humour.

Rabbi Sorin Rosen for the countless hours he volunteers to not only creating our brand new website but for continuing to oversee it with his creativity and expertise. Sorin took on the task of designing this High Holiday Pillar and, as you read throughout, his creative and thoughtful skill sets are self evident.

Special thanks to Hector Garcia for assuming the task of creating our Calendar , for his artistry and vision.

Jack Kadaner for once again allowing us to showcase one of his beautiful paintings for this year’s Calendar.

The Sisterhood, Mens club, Religious, Membership, Chessed and Youth committees and the many volunteers who give much of their time and efforts to the success of our shul.

The board of directors, clergy, executive, staff and friends of the Beth Zion for your dedication, care and commitment.

Judy and Harry and Fagey and Simon Rossdeutscher without whom our up and coming concert could not be a reality. Their support of our
congregation and the opportunities they afford us to raise much needed funds for our shul through the gift of music and entertainment is

The Cantorial committee under the leadership of Joe Presser and Rabbi Shoham for bringing this concert to a much anticipated level of success. Please support those who are supporting us by sharing in the evenings event. It is a wonderful opportunity to support our shul and to bring in the New Year with hope and joy. A perfect gift for the New Year!

All those who support our shul with your generous and thoughtful donations and sponsorships throughout the year.

To all our members thank you for sharing the holidays with us!

Shana Tova,
Eileen Rabinovitch